communication b/w RR and PLC
Hoejin Kim from United States  [7 posts]
12 year
I am struggling to communicate with PLC.
Modbus slave is good module but I don't know how to use even though I read the scripture on website.  so it's hard to interchange variables from RR to PLC.
do you have some samples in terms of PLC communication?
Anonymous 12 year

We don't have many examples since most PLC devices use either a standard like modbus or accept custom serial/ethernet communication packets. Do you have any documentation on what your PLC device accepts? What make/model  do you have?

Hoejin Kim from United States  [7 posts] 12 year
Hi Steven
PLCs model is Direct Logic 205. Attached file is about communication by Ethernet cable, and in chapter 5, it talks about a way to send variables between Modbus(slave) and PLC(master).


Hoejin Kim from United States  [7 posts] 12 year
Hi Steven
PLCs model is Direct Logic 205. Attached file is about communication by Ethernet cable, and in chapter 5, it talks about a way to send variables between Modbus(slave) and PLC(master).



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