Write AVI bug(?) and question
Petr from Czech Republic  [13 posts]
12 year

I have two questions about Write AVI module.

1. I’d like to ask you about one limitation, or maybe a bug in Write AVI module. If I let create avi for longer time, the creation of avi file stops always on 4GB (exactly on 4 194 358 kB). After that it start to write to same file from the beginning, which case unreadable file or messy movie, depending on codec used. It looks to me like there is some FAT32 limitation incorporated to Write AVI module… I have everywhere NTFS, is possible to fix it?

2. I like to ask you to add to this module functionality (maybe as a check box), letting me not overwrite already created file. If I stop creation and after that start it again, the existing file get overwrite. I really like to have this module to create numbered files if some file with same name is already in the folder (as test(1).avi, test(2).avi, etc.)
I had to tried your reply from this post http://www.roborealm.com/forum/index.php?thread_id=3714#2, but it does not solve this problem, because it always overwrite the file inside the time period specified in vbscript from your example. If I expand you script to for example seconds, it start to create divided movie in tons of one second files.
Petr from Czech Republic  [13 posts] 12 year
I’m just wondering, if you could confirm my findings and if you plan to fix it sometime in the future. I’m interested mainly in question #2. I lost last week couple of valuable records just because it was overwritten…
No any pressure here, just wondering… :-)
Anonymous 12 year

We've added a new checkbox on that interface which will force a number to be appended if the file already exists.

On #1, it looks like files will need to be broken into sub 4gig sizes. I figured I'd check with you first to see what may be the most appropriate for your needs. The file can be broken into specific sizes (eg 200Meg files) or based on time (like rename each day) or ....?

v 2.47.3 has this change.

Petr from Czech Republic  [13 posts] 12 year
Hi Steven,
thank you for the that checkbox, it is fixing my biggest pain with this module.

On #1 – because there is a 4GB limit, I prefer to have option there to continually broke avi file to some specific size pieces.

But it will be also great, if you add there also ability to set number of minutes, when this module will cut avi file. This solution is similar to your answer I linked in first post, but for example, if I will need to cut file every 10 or 30 minutes, I think I will need this special function.


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