How to post multiple gravity centers, for diferent colors RGB
17 year
Hy folks,
I want to put in a fille 3 gravity centers pozition (X, Y), for 3 diferent colors. How can I do that?
I think i must create a "RoboRealm Extension".
Could you help me?
THX :D :cheers:
Anonymous 17 year
I commed this far, but how do i output in a file this 3 positions
Writing variables to a file
17 year
You're almost there. You can use the Loading/Saving->Write Variables module to write the COG_X and COG_Y to a file. (You could also use an extension to do this but a bit more work is required instead).

Note that at the end of your processing pipeline you will only have one set of COG_X and COG_Y variables set. You need to rename that variable as you find it for other variables using the "Set_Statement" module. This module when placed just after the COG module can be used to rename the COG_X and COG_Y to something else that will not be overwritten by the next usage of the COG.

Thus at the end of this pipeline you would add the write variable module and select the last COG_X and COG_Y in addition to the 4 other variables that you renamed the COG_X and COG_Y to earlier in the pipeline. (Note that you will have to use the Set_Statement module at least twice to ensure that you preserve those variables.

for yellow?
Saikumar. from India  [20 posts]
16 year

Even i need to sovle the same problem,but my background is blue and im using a yello,red and green solid circles.

My problem is that im unable to get the exact COG of the red and green,guess because the yellow contains red and green.
Please troubleshoot this.
any helps always welcome.
Anonymous 16 year

Just increase the Min Hue in the RGB Filter dialog which will cause the other colors to be eliminated. Increasing it to 150 seems to do the trick.

Also, I assume you are using the same image as


so you may want to follow along in that forum post too.

it works
16 year
Thankyou Steven,

It did work for me,went through all the previous forum topics,perhaps i have posted a bit early here...


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