can two cameras(imaging source) show up in RR?
John from Afghanistan  [5 posts]
11 year
I am finding the way to show up two cameras view in RR.
Two cameras are from imaging source company

Is it possible?
John from Afghanistan  [5 posts] 11 year
I found the way to show up two cameras up to 16 cameras too if the computer has high ability. However, one out of two cameras detect objects, but the other one didn't detect them. that means that only one camera operates with the function. while other only shows up on the screen.
How can I solve this problem in order to make two cameras operate according to the function?

Anonymous 11 year
You can use the Marker module to bring in images from additional cameras one at a time. In your case you would have an OR module (to process the default image) then use a Marker module to bring in the next, and then another OR module to process that image (you can clone the first).

If you prefer you can use the Mosaic to create one large image and then use a single OR module AFTER the mosaic module. Remember, the order of modules DOES matter. If the Mosaic is after the OR then the OR will only 'see' the default image.

Hope that helps.

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