C# with roborealm
John from Afghanistan  [5 posts]
11 year
Hi, I am working on project which make a camera possible to recognize, capture, and compare the image to original one 'automatically'. I bought roborealm academic version  for this project.

I don't know exactly how to use roborealm even though I read the tutorial and documentation on website for a week. I have C# program and succeeded to connect it to roborealm program using API sample.

My project is that I have one camera and three types(triangle, box, and circle) of products. when the product comes into the camera, then the camera recognize and take a picture to compare with original image whether or not it have defects on the product.

Acturaly, I don't know how to use C# program. but I need to make this project finish until this month.

Here's my questions
1) Is this project possible using roborealm?

2) Can I make it possible to use only roborealm without C#?

3) If I use C# program with roborealm, where can I get the tutorial for C#?
Anonymous 11 year

1. Do you mean something like


Yes, this is possible.

2. It depends on what additional outputs you need based on the recognition. There are many modules built to send information out of RR but it is possible that you have some custom requirement that is not satisfied by one of the modules.

3. Yes, you can use C# with Roborealm ... didn't you just mention that you connected C# to RR? That connection is what you use to control how RR operates and to send and receive information from RR. We do not have a C# tutorial (there are many on the web for that) but do have examples in the example file that you downloaded that has test examples to interact with RR via C#. If there is something specific that you do not understand we'd be happy to help.

And if C# is not your best language you can use just about any language via the API to connect and control RR.


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