interface to c#
John from Afghanistan  [5 posts]
11 year

I am having a question about API interfacing roborealm with c#, I looked through scripture explaining the way interfacing each other, but it is based on the window XP version. I am using window 7, and need the scripture explaining the procedure based on the window 7. When I type "telnet 0000 6060"  on the window dialog, it's different with the scripture saying...


Anonymous 11 year

That example is not related to C#. It is just another way to show a simple case of interfacing with the API. Note that this DOES work in win7 but win7 no longer distributes the telnet.exe program. You can find that on the web if you want to try that ... but again, it does not and is not required for the C# usage.

John from Afghanistan  [5 posts] 11 year
Thanks for you answer. Then do you think it is possible to communicate roborealm with C#? if so, is there utilities or interface program for this?

Anonymous 11 year
Read the top part of http://www.roborealm.com/help/API.php and note the download link with examples including CSharp!


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