where do saved .avi files go?
Robert Page  [3 posts]
12 year
I got several good clips, little 6- or 7-second .avi files that I wanted to save so I could run them over and over again and play with the modules to see which modules did the best job of filtering the succession of images.

RoboRealm gave me the option to save the clips, which I did.  RoboRealm said it was saving them to c:\test1.avi, c:\test2.avi ... and so on.  But I can't find them under c:\   ...   and I can't find them anywhere else either.

The day I first saved them I searched for them successfully.  It was some huge long path (definitely not just c:\xxx) and I figured I'd come back and get them at a later time.  But now I can't find them at all.

Do you have an idea where RoboRealm would put saved .avi files??

-- Robert
Anonymous 12 year

That will largely depend on where windows decides to  put them. We are always careful to add the c:\ and if you did perhaps you did not press the Start button to start recording? ... that's often my mistake.

Other than that, a global search is the best way to find them if they exist.

What was the long path where you found the last ones?


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