Roborealm CScript variableExists function problem
Zachary Lim from Malaysia  [12 posts]
12 year

I am currently facing a problem with the CScript function variableExists. In the documentation it is supposed to return an integer which is 1 or 0, depending if the variable exists or not. But when I attempt to put it into an if statement, it says "integer expected".

When trying to assign its value to a variable (int presence_of_COG_X = variableExists("COG_X");) , the compiler tells me it is of void type. Is the function supposed to be a void function? Because I really do need the 1 or 0 values that it returns.
Anonymous 12 year

This is now fixed in the most recent version. A typo in the function declaration was causing this issue. Appears to be fixed for us. Can you confirm?


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