need help in using the spark_fun mega
chan from Malaysia  [2 posts]
12 year

i am just a beginner in using both arduino and roborealm. Am planning to make a colour tracking system using webcam and 2 servo motor. Initially was planning to use the Serial module but found out that we are unable to specify the flow of data to specific servo. So for 1 axis movement is easier but when 2 variable are sent the whole things went wrong...

So now i need help in coding in both vbscript and arduino for spark_fun mega...or if there are any tutorial ??

thx ~~
Anonymous 12 year

There isn't a tutorial since it does not require much VBScript. The VBScript is mainly to generate variables that can be used to command servos ... and that will depend on what configuration your hardware is.

Are you able to run the Arduino module and use the sliders to manually move servos? If so, specify your variable in that same channel and it will automatically be under automatic control.

Then the question is how you are generating the variable. If you already have that color tracked using the Scale module can be used to scale from image (typically 320x240) to servo (typically 500 to 2500) and you'd be good to go. No VBScript coding needed!


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