Sean from United States  [6 posts]
12 year
I am trying to do the exact same thing. I downloaded your RR file so I could try to apply it to my footage. I 100% understand your theory and method you went about. Create zones that will detect disturbance. My question is:

How does one place these zones? I see the row is set, but how do I define where my rows are, as my footage is not the same, so I must move the "zones"

Sean from United States  [6 posts] 12 year
So upon further investagation I found the sampling coming from within the Sample Color, there were boxes to move. However, now when I move the box to the correct location, and reset the "car count" My tally is stuck at 0. Any advice?

Thank you
Anonymous 12 year

I think we lost some context on this post ...

Can you post your robofile that you are using with an example image? That will help us understand what you are trying to do and determine why the tally is stuck at 0.


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