use one of two cropped windows
John Wood from United Kingdom  [67 posts]
12 year
hi Steven,

Is there a way to choose a cropped window from a choice of two...

I have the Pic send  a variable "low" on the serial connection and would like it to use cropped window 1 . if variable "high" then use cropped window 2.

How best to extrapolate this and control the pipeline.

Simple terms please....

I am now at the point of completion and I have a work round for the above problem though far from flawless...the above if possible would cure the last hurdle.

John Wood from United Kingdom  [67 posts] 12 year
Should mention, the variables could be string or numeric which ever is easiest it is is even possible,

I could send the high with infra red link but not too sure how or where to go using this approach.

Anonymous 12 year

Assuming that the serial module is setting a variable you can use two if_statement modules to achieve this. See attached.


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