Minimum count for cluster
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts]
12 year

Is it possible to have a minimum count for the number of blobs in a cluster. I.e. if the minimum is set to 2 then clusters with only one blob is removed.
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year
The ability to remove single sparse blobs would definitely improve my programs ability to isolate the correct blob cluster. Hope this feature can be added.
Anonymous 12 year

We've reviewed this request a couple times and still don't really understand the end effect that you are going for. When a cluster is created there is no explicit count that is used since it depends on the location and number of clusters being created.

Perhaps you can define at a higher level what you are looking for with an example image or two. That may help us either better understand what you are requesting or provide a suitable alternative.

Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year

As you can see from the robo file, five cluster points are formed in this example. You will also see there is one cluster point at the COG of a single blob. My intention is to remove this blob. Thus if a cluster point if formed by a single blob it (the blob) is to be filtered out.


Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year
Or is there another way to remove that blob based on the fact that there is no other blobs above or below it?

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