Anonymous from United States  [1 posts]
12 year
I have been looking for a way to do something similar involving a Kinect attached to a Linux computer, then transmitting the data through a TCP/IP socket to RoboRealm on a Windows Computer. The libfreenect drivers for linux seem promising for communicating with the Kinect, but I am wondering if Roborealm would be able to receive the images with it's own plugins. Obviously, some coding for the Linux Kinect side would have to be done, but can Roborealm's nice Kinect module receive a "remote" kinect? Thanks for any help on this.
Anonymous 12 year

No, the module would not be able to accept a remote image. But RR itself can. Thus if you can create an image from the Kinect data and send that to RR that would work ... but I'm not sure if that defeats the purpose of your request.

See the API and set_image with regards to this technique.


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