Problem with version 2.44.21
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts]
12 year
I am having problems with this version. It crashes when i run my file. It also crashes when i try to adjust the crop area (on the file that can be open)
Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year
Could not identify what is causing the problem. I tried the crop on its own and and kept adjusting. Its did not crash.
Anonymous 12 year
Perhaps you could post your file here? The one you posted before seems to be ok for me.

Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year
The earlier file was just to show what i wanted to do for the blobs. that is not the main project file. The last the main file worked was 2.44.19. I did not try 2.44.20 as 2.44.21 was already released.  Any way i can test with 2.44.20?
Anonymous 12 year

If you can include the last main file here we can test and determine the problem. Having the original source image would be handy too for a speedy response.

Dawson from Malaysia  [173 posts] 12 year
Hi STeven,

The problem occurred because the new blob filter count invert was on by default. The file functioned correctly after i unchecked the count invert. Will let you know if i have any more problems.


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