Jape from United States  [16 posts]
12 year
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Syfy from Netherlands  [18 posts] 12 year
i'm not sure but as far as i know,you can only compile a working file on your own pc.,or on a accectly the same pc.
i compiled a working swapcolor dll for roborealm using vb professional 10
it did work but,only on the pc i compiled it on.
(i have almost no experience in programming)

Syfy from Netherlands  [18 posts] 12 year
maybe! here is the thing you need,in 1 of the release folders

again,i have almost no experience in programming

Jape from United States  [16 posts] 12 year
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Anonymous 12 year

What type of text are you hoping to recognize? It is from a printed document (strick OCR) or are you looking at signs/labels/etc?

Jape from United States  [16 posts] 12 year
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