remote control
tom from United States  [7 posts]
12 year
Hi, i am trying roborealm out to see if it will work for me.
I have a endurance-rc servo controller and set up to work on keyboard read(workes) but i try to control from another computer and does not work,I can see camera but that is all.

also i tried phonemypc that lets me control my pc from android phone(workes great)but can't get keyboard read to work.

Anonymous 12 year
What are you using to communicate from one PC to the other? Are you using the Distributor modules? If so, did you check the box that allows transmission of variables as that's what the keystrokes would be stored as and transmitted as.

A robofile that shows what you are trying would be helpful.

tom from United States  [7 posts] 12 year
Do i need roborealm running on both computers to use Distributor modules
tom from United States  [7 posts] 12 year
Anonymous 12 year

Yes, you would need RR on both machines to use the Distributor module. It is meant to perform communication between two RR instances.'

If you are familiar with web technologies you can create a web interface that performs the same thing through a browser. You can start the webserver on one machine and access it on the other to see the camera video. You will then need to edit the index.html file to add in buttons,etc. in order to set variables for things to move. This is really meant for those familiar with web technologies so if that is foreign to you it will probably not make sense.

The roomba tutorial has a lot of that type of controls.


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