Regarding my program
Kurt Ingleson from United Kingdom  [6 posts]
12 year
Hi, i wonder if someone could take a look at my robo file here and see what is set wrong, i cant understand why it wont do what its supposed to, looks ok to me but then i am a noob when it comes to vbscript. Basically its supposed to send an arrow up command to my program when i say forwards and a arrow down when i say back, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks alot
Anonymous 12 year

Couple issues:

1. SetVariable sets a variable. GetVariable gets a variable. You first need to "get" the variable before setting other variables ... setting a variable and expecting it to have a value from elsewhere doesn't make sense. See the VBScript corrections of that.

2. Stylistically, keep things in order. Do the listen, then the VBScript and then the send as that's the ideal order.

3. Use InStr in the VBscript to check for heard words. The speach recognition is not 100% and will often hear more words than what you say. Plus sometimes it is better to use some context when speaking like "move forward" as the context will help the SR work better.

See attached robofile. Press Start on Linksys again as we had to disable that.



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