How to read input mode in Pololu Maestro Anonymous |
13 year
I’m building underwater ROV. I’m using Pololu Maestro to drive ESC and servos, but I need also to read analog (0-5V) pressure sensor. Is there some way in RoboRealm to read one channel of Pololu device in input mode and place those values to some variable? This function is presented in original Pololu Maestro Control Center, but I could not find it in RoboRealm. Is there some “around way” how to do it?
Petr from Czech Republic [13 posts] |
13 year
I was thinking something like is presented in Pololu Orangutan SVP module – the “Analog” tab. Is there any chance you will add this functionality to RR in near future?
If not, I have to find out how to use serial module to read analog input on one channel of Pololu Maestro and save it to variable. No luck with it yet...
Anonymous |
13 year
We should have this added by the end of the week.
I'll mention it here again when it is ready to go.
Anonymous |
13 year
This has been released. Please download 2.42.24 and see if that works for you. Note that we only can test with Micro as we don't have the other hardware versions.
Also note that you will need to use the Control Center to set the pin to input mode which should be reflected in the RR GUI interface. Just add a variable to that channel and it should be set to the input value for you to use elsewhere.
Let us know how it goes.
Petr from Czech Republic [13 posts] |
13 year
thank you very much for so fast response. I really appreciate it. I have two Maestro controllers - one Micro and one Mini 12. It is working beautifully with Micro, great job!
Unfortunately it is not working with Mini version at all. And as you can expect :-), I "desperately" need to use Mini version in my project … There is different chip in versions Mini 12, 18, 24 compared to Micro.
RR detect input mode on a channel with Mini, but it didn’t show any values.
Is there a chance for you to find out, where is a difference between them without have one? Maybe I can ask Pololu if they can send you some sample – they mention RR in their web pages. If not, I can borrow you one. Let me please know.
Thanks Petr
Anonymous |
13 year
Thanks for the info, that really helps to narrow down the issue. Seems that the mode was being detected correctly but the input read is a bit different in the Mini. We've updated the module in 2.42.25 so it is worth a quick try on your part to see if this helps. Please download that version.
Let me know how it goes.
Petr from Czech Republic [13 posts] |
13 year
I‘m one happy man. I got time just for quick test, but it’s working even with Mini version now. Great.
It really helps me eliminate any Arduino or PIC module just for reading pressure sensor.
Thank you very much,