3D Features
Ben Graham from United States  [17 posts]
13 year
            I was wondering if there is any way to support .obj file interaction.  .Obj files are 3d object files that can be created in many different CAD softwares. Also, they can be created in a software called "David 3D Scanner" which lets you scan any physical object into your computer using a laser pointer and webcam.  I think it would be cool to rotate and transform any .obj file in RoboRealm and could open up a lot of possibilities.

Anonymous 13 year

While RR does share some similarities with the David Scanner software are you interested in a similar capability within RR or just the ability to manipulate the obj file? RR is built as a 2D image processing application and it seems like another app for 3D processing of object files may be what you are thinking about.

We've not dealt much with 3D obj files and their issues so getting more insight by someone who has used them would be helpful to us.

Ben Graham from United States  [17 posts] 13 year

I do not have that much obj file experience I just thought it would make for some very cool projects.  For example, a lot of fiducial projects I have seen on the internet show 3D animated characters that rotate with respect to a fiducial that is rotated.  I really have no idea the code behind interacting with obj files I just assumed it was like any other file.

As for the David Scanner I was just mainly concerned with manipulating the obj file.



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