Sonar Sensors
from United States  [16 posts]
13 year
There should be a module that supports a sonar sensor that when it is within a certain distance of something it goes back and turns. (For autonomous navigation)

Anonymous 13 year

We're not aware of any devices that connect directly to a PC. They are typically sold as individual components that are interfaced to some other board that then connects to a PC. For example


can be used with the Phidgets Interface Kit 8/8/8 which we do have connections too.

Or do you have a specific device in mind that connects directly to a PC?

Ariel Sandez from Argentina  [3 posts] 13 year
Take a look of this radar

- Arduino
- UNL2003 Stepper driver
- IR Sharp Sensor
- Serial Com PC


 [29 posts] 13 year
To use an Arduino with RR, a standard protocol is required to communicate data packets specific to an Ultrasonic unit. Some communicate via serial and others output pulse. Either could be used, but, again a standard output protocol is need for RR to parse the data. RR could publish their requirements and embedded enthusiasts could program data packets to meet the requirements.
I have developed a few interfaces using the Ping Module.



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