Shape Match
Marcus  [4 posts]
12 year

I don't understand how to tackle the shape match. I tried the module that you sent with a differnet display and a on live web cam. I hooked it up and took a few snapshots from Roborealm print screen and saved as gif files. However, the system does not recognize the shapes. How can I truoble shoot why the system does not match the shape? I don't understand why it does not make the match and how to change the setting so the match works.  I have included shapes and some other snaps for you.


Anonymous 12 year

The issue that you are having has to do with image size. The previous image was MUCH larger whilst these images are much smaller. When you radically change the image size the modules may NOT be configured correctly since they typically have pixel based configurations. For example, in the previous image valid blob sizes were around 500 while in these images that number is much smaller due to the smaller image size. In addition the dilate and erode modules are iteration (i.e. layered) based which will have less effect on larger images but much more effect (incorrectly) on smaller images.

So you have to stick with a specific image size if you expect the configuration to work correctly.

I've included another robofile that seems to work on the current images.

Note that you can click on each module and see what it does. If you click on the module just before the shape match module and don't see anything ... then that module is just not going to work. The trick is to start at the first module and successively ensure that you still see the actual digits to be recognized. If they suddenly disappear then you know that the currently selected module is removing them incorrectly and can investigate further.


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