Shaun from United Kingdom  [2 posts]
13 year
Hi all,
Has anyone made a script for the "Executive Mayhem USB Missile Launcher"
I am trying to understand the Roborealm but not having much skill in program understanding. iI find it frustrating.
Any help appreciated.
Anonymous 13 year

Unfortunately we do not have a module for that specific launcher. Looks like that it made by a different company other than Dream Cheeky. As such the communication would be completely different than the other ones. We will try to get one to create a module for it but are yet unable to find a site that has them in stock and will ship to the US.

Shaun from United Kingdom  [2 posts] 13 year
Hi STeven,
Thanks for the reply, if it is any use I could forward you the original .exe that comes with it. Maybee you can decompile it, I dont know.
It has great potential for an inexpensive wireless robot project that I am working on, inspired by the Endurance R/C PCTx, which is an amazing piece of kit, but, sadly I can't afford at the moment.
Any help is gratefully accepted.

Anonymous 13 year

Thanks for the offer but we'd need the physical object rather than the  application or other documentation that specifies how the PC communicates to the device. If there is any such documentation that may be all we need. Otherwise, we can't help very much.


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