getImage C#
Berk from Turkey  [10 posts]
13 year
Hi, im trying to get the current camera view from RR on show it on my application by

Dimension d = rr.getDimension();
byte[] image = new byte[d.width * d.height];

d = rr.getImage("source",image, d.width * d.height);

but it just returns null and i dont know why. Any idea ? Thanks for the help :)
Anonymous 13 year

Try stepping into that getImage function with the debugger and see where it fails.

I assume you have all the rr.connect also above this code?

Ensure that RR is running and has the API activated (off by default).

Berk from Turkey  [10 posts] 13 year
Well, in debugging mode, i solved the problem. Thank you :)

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