please reply as soon as possible
Mark from United States  [2 posts]
13 year
Hey Steven

Thx for everything but i've got some problems and i wanna know if u have some solutions for it

1st the joystick is working pretty good but now i'm using remote desktop to control my robot but for some reason the pc on the robot doesn't see the joystick.

2nd i'm running my robot with four cameras and i was wondering if i can switch views by assigning each a camera a key from the keyboard, so i don't have to go through the options and switch them and also no to use mosaic.

Anonymous 13 year

1. You can use the Distributor Server/Client to just send variables from your desktop to the remote computer. Note that you will have to configure the server on the robot and surround the code that uses the joystick values with the server start/stop words in the pipeline. Also be sure just to send over the variables as apposed to the image (unless you want that too) as that will increase the bandwidth required.

Note that the joystick module is still needed on the client where the physical joystick is attached. You will just be sending variables from one machine to the next. As long as that includes the joystick variables you should be ok.

2. Yes, you can use the Marker module to switch to different views. Attached is an example that switches between two camera views depending on keypress.

Anonymous 13 year
Thank you so much Steven im going to try  it and if i  have any problems i'll come back to you

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