Lego NXT example not working?
Tim Flower from United States  [1 posts]
13 year
Hello all,

I'm trying to run example 1 off of the Lego NXT documentation page and instead of seeing COG_X displayed on the NXT's display I only see 0.

I've also tried passing IMAGE_COUNT in another quick test and in displaying the passed number to the screen I see "0" instead of the expected incrementing integer.

I'm running a  trial version (v2.37.3) and NXT firmware 1.29.

Anyone run NXT example 1 recently with success?  Thanks in advance!

Anonymous 13 year

Try changing the mailbox type to Number or Auto in the NXT message tab in RoboRealm. The G-block expects a number whilst the current config was sending a text string.

We've cleared up the example too and set the default to Auto in the latest RR version just to avoid this confusion in the future.

Let us know how that goes.


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