Chris from Canada  [6 posts]
13 year
Hi All
For your consideration, here is a link to a RoboRealm helper program - http://gotabot.weebly.com/.  GotABot adds path planning, navigation and localization enhancements to RoboRealm’s excellent arsenal of robotic capabilities.  As an added bonus, it also adds an ER1 interface.
Please give it a try and let me know where changes are needed.
Anonymous 13 year

This is fantastic! I assume this is either your project or you know did this?

If so can you provide us with some contact information (this site is a little scarce) that we can use? You can use our contact us page if you'd prefer not to post that information to the general public.

Thanks for the link,
Chris from Canada  [6 posts] 13 year
Hi Steven
  Thank-you and yes I am the author of GotABot.  I’ve always been fascinated by the amazing robot work performed by hobbyists and small companies and wanted to contribute something myself.  Hopefully someone will find it useful.
If anyone wishes to contact me, there is a handy ‘Contact Me’ form on the web site.  I’ve also used your ‘contact us’ page and sent my email address to you.

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