Fiducials for Multiple Markers
JIA-MING CHENG from Taiwan  [1 posts]
13 year
I'm Wondering could I got the Label for every Markers that Fiducial module Detect?
I use the Serial Module to send out the information

I know there is a Send Sequence, like
but it just send the information of last Marker it detect.

I would like to do the trick like ARtoolkit do. that can show multiple 3D object on the screen. that's why I need to know which one is which.

Anonymous 13 year

If you note the documentation on


there is another variable called FIDUCIALS_PATH that contains the actual
label information. Each entry in the FIDUCIALS array contains an index
into FIDUCIALS_PATH which then contains the label of the Fiducial. This
index is in the 15th entry of the Fiducials array with the 16th entry
being the number of characters that the label contains.

As mixing numbers and characters is not a good idea for many languages
the two variables provide both the numeric results and an index into a
character variable that contains the label. While a bit confusing at
first this makes it easier in many languages to work with different data

See the VBScript at the bottom of the mention page as that shows this
index technique being used.

Massimo from United States  [3 posts] 12 year
Hi I thought to attach what the fiducial filter returns on the screen. As you can see from the FiducialFilter image the recognition is great. However, from the txt file I am saving I can't understand what those numbers are. They don't make too much sense to me. I saving the following information for each frame I am collecting:

The variable "Fiducials" is not exactly as I thought. I thought that it was supposed to be with 17 numbers. I am not sure it is. Please if you see that I am doing something wrong, please let me know.

Thank you in advance, Massimo.
Massimo from United States  [3 posts] 12 year
Hi I thought to attach what the fiducial filter returns on the screen. As you can see from the FiducialFilter image the recognition is great. However, from the txt file I am saving I can't understand what those numbers are. They don't make too much sense to me. I saving the following information for each frame I am collecting:

The variable "Fiducials" is not exactly as I thought. I thought that it was supposed to be with 17 numbers. I am not sure it is. Please if you see that I am doing something wrong, please let me know.

Thank you in advance, Massimo.

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