Beginning RoboRealm
David Oliver from United States  [1 posts]
13 year
Hi all,

I am just beginning to use Roborealm and I have a lot of questions. I am planning on writing a program that will allow my robot to navigate based on vision. I am planning on running RoboRealm on a computer on board the robot. What I need to know is how I can write code to control my motors while also using the RoboRealm module. Does anyone have an example of how to do this? Any example code? What language can or should I use? So basically I want to use the RoboRealm vision modules while also using that data to move around a course. If anyone can help that would be very much appreciated.


Anonymous 13 year

I'd recommend starting by looking through the tutorials which show one way this can be done. Note that while RR has many control modules it may or may not have one for your motor controller. If not, you'd want to check out the API in order to get the vision results.

You can also have a look at the Red Object Tracking example in the +examples subtree which shows how to do this with a servo controller.

Couple links:




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