endurance PCTx
14 year
Does it require to use PPM transmitter instead of GHz transmitter in order for roborealm endurance PCtx to work?
Anonymous 14 year

To be honest, we are not sure. The communication with RoboRealm is to the PCTx is over USB and doesn't have anything to deal with the specific wavelength in order for RoboRealm to work with the PCTx. From the PCTx's point of view it uses the trainer port of whatever transmitter you are using. Thus we would expect that if your transmitter works with your receiver and has a training port it should work with the PCTx. If you are not finding this to be the case you may want to ask Endurance about this issue as RoboRealm is well removed from that issue. Perhaps the trainer port on your transmitter is not compatible with the PCTx?


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