Color threshold Blaz from Slovenia [7 posts] |
14 year
I noticed that when I am using Color_threshold modul the results are allways "Fore Masked" when I load the .robo program!
Any Idea?
Anonymous |
14 year
Yes, that setting was not being saved correctly. If you download the latest version 2.28.10 that should be fixed.
Blaz from Slovenia [7 posts] |
14 year
I downloaded the 2.28.10 version but the problem is stil here. It always starts with Fore Masked...
Anonymous |
14 year
You will have to set it once again to your correct setting and then it should stick. Also be sure you did get the most recent version (seen in the title bar) in case your browser cached your previous download.
Blaz from Slovenia [7 posts] |
14 year
My version is 2.28.10 so this is ok!
I tried few times to change properties of Color Threshold Results and than save the ".robo" file. But when I re-load the file the results are allways Fore Masked.
Am I doing something wrong?
Anonymous |
14 year
Can you post that robofile that you saved? Perhaps there is another module that is causing an issue. Our tests have shown the setting to remain so we are not able to replicate the particular issue.