Jason from Australia  [2 posts]
13 year

I was wondering if anyone has dabbled with using machine vision to determine placing in sporting events? I was thinking that you would need to achieve two things;

1. Identify athletes at finish line.

2. Identify race numbers.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Anonymous 13 year

There has been some work done in this area specific to tracking players as they cross the field. Certainly some work has been done to determine field lines and perhaps when scoring is accomplished. As usual these techniques change depending on what you are doing, the quality/color of the image and the position of the camera.

Perhaps you have an image to work with that you can post here?

Jason from Australia  [2 posts] 13 year
Hey Steven

Thanks for the reply. I was thinking of using a webcam to capture live footage of athletes coming over the finish line. I would need to identify athletes as the hit the line and identify their numbers. Do you think this software would be capable of this?


Anonymous 13 year
To some extent, yes, but that will depend on the environment. For example, if each runner is using a different font that might be an issue. Also note that if the system does not see the number due to a crumpled number, hand in the way, etc. then, obviously, it will not work.

For example, in the included robofile note the hand obscuring the number next to the 45. Also note that because we are using size as an attribute prior to number recognition we eliminate the 903 in the background.

The next phase of this would be using shape match to determine the number left. Or you could also just record the numbers as individual images for later recognition by a human.

Note that an image is embedded in the robofile but included in this post for reference.

Is this along the lines of what you are thinking?




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