module on I2C  buss
fred miller from United States  [72 posts]
14 year
Steven is there a module for reading I2C ,like TPA81 heat sensor or do you have any plans soon
Anonymous 14 year

The real question is what are you using to connect an i2c bus to the PC? We do support i2c but only through other hardware (like the Serializer or NXT) ... its not like rs232 serial where you can just access that directly on a PC.

For example the above uses a RF04/CM02 to connect it to a PC.

fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 14 year
looking for any module that has I2C as a input to read data from a sensor,and in roborealm pass the info to my next module.will check serializer
connecting a sensor to pc needs first usb to I2C adapter and then a dll program,trying for a easy way
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 14 year
it looks like the serializer will work,since it can read any I2C sensor and the extra ports i can use for head rotate and tilt and other sensors for tracking,mostly looking to use TPA81 sensor for tracking and pass the variables to leaf
can this be done Steven
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 14 year
on the mosquitIO board i see I2C connection can be done like in the serializer board,since i have the board now
but also bought the serializer from  robotics connection
have plans to use both board,i serializer has code example for TPA81 witch is good

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