tracking single movments object
schwibby from Italy  [1 posts]
13 year
question :

i want to make a movment tracker... the problem is : when i have one object (person) robeal track it perfect... when two object appear in webcam roborealm expand the COG to all movments objects..

i want to track only one object a time... when the object stop then roborealm process next active object.. is possible?

the idea was if i have 10 person walking roborealm follow only one of this i don't want to discriminate people... i need only one tracking whit relative COG.

another think is is possible to delimit only few area for tracking?
Anonymous 13 year

The COG module is for entire image only. You should have a look at the Blob_Filter module to isolate and track (using the BLOB array) multiple objects at once. Note that you may need to average the image a little in order to merge the difference blobs otherwise you will end up with many blobs per person.

From there you can also try the Blob_Tracking module which will use blob statistics (and the original color information) to track blobs from one image to the next. That will give you a movement path of people.

If you have a video of people that you'd like to track try posting it somewhere with a link to it here and we can provide more precise  suggestions.


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