Impression Feedback
Richard Harris from United Kingdom  [6 posts]
13 year
   I am looking for feed back and general impressions of a website (which is all about a vision system project) I am targeting computer science undergrads so if any of you guys are doing a CS degree or have done so please give you me your feed back and impressions.


Anonymous 13 year
Just out of curiosity ... why start another package? OpenCV seems to dominate the audience you are mentioning? Or is it in part to learn about vision systems? Perhaps you could create your functions as part of an OpenCV installation (or perhaps as RoboRealm Plugin).

Note we added your site to our list a while back to


Richard Harris from United Kingdom  [6 posts] 13 year
  yea this project is intended be be a lot larger than OpenCV, not only are we providing an open source library that is highly tested and documented but are to provide tools and test structures to perform comparisons of approaches and algorithms, validation of techniques on large data sets and to make more of a product that can be easily applied to problems, also supporting hardware such as ARM multi-core microcontrollers will be the end goal. Also experimentation and new ideas are to be a major part of the project, not just implementing existing algorithms in the field of computer vision. Looks like the site needs some work to get over such points. Up to now this has just been a hobby project of one person but now I have brought in another software engineer and we are in the process of setting up a community based development project and hopefully getting people all working for the goals of the project.

Thanks for your message..

Anonymous 13 year

Sounds like a great project! You guys will be very busy for a couple years but will also have fun investigating many cool image processing techniques. Keep us informed of your progress!


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