Axon wireless
Rueben from Thailand  [3 posts]
13 year
Hi, I am using roborealm with axon. How can i make them communicate wirelessly? using a bluetooth? Do i need a bluetooth tranceiver to do so? If we do use bluetooth, how can i use my uart on the axon since the servo_controller.hex is already downloaded on the axon? Could you modify (or help me modify) the servo_controller program so that i could use uart with it to send and receive data from roborealm via bluetooth?...
Another question I had was, if i wanted to add some extra sensors to my robot car, how do i input the sensor readings to the program? can roborealm receive the sensor data from axon? I dont think so? So what am i supposed to do here?
Rueben from Thailand  [3 posts] 13 year
forgot to ask this one before.. can i install roborealm on windows ce?? What i was thinking was that if i fail to make a bluetooth connection between the pc and axon then i was planning to use the 'friendly arm' as my pc.. but only linux and windows ce os can be downloaded there soo....

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