Detecting angle of blob
Marc  [7 posts]
14 year
Is this possible,
I’m new to roborealm. i want a to detect a blob like see the attachment. When viewing the object i want to measure the max length of the object en the angle. Can I do this with the program?
If this is possible can you give me some tips.
Sorry for my bad English.
Kind regards,

Anonymous 14 year

You certainly can ... but is that the final image of the object that you want to measure? Seem like just an example. Do you have an image of the real object that you wish to measure? The reason I ask is that most likely the ability to extract out the object from whatever background is behind it will be the tricker thing to do.

If not, can we get the above image without the annotation?

Marc  [7 posts] 14 year
Sorry for my late response,
But i have made a example image.
can you help me getting started?

Kind regards,

Anonymous 14 year

Try the attached robofile. Basically it removes all but the largest blob, runs the geometric stats over the remaining blob and draws the Feret line (which is the measurement you are looking for). Plus the length and orientation are displayed.

Marc  [7 posts] 14 year
Steven it works super, but sometimes the line miscalculates (for me).
The idea is to know whats  the front and the back is of the Blob, angle and length. Normally that is from the pointy bit (front) to the back. But as you can see in the attachment. Sometimes it doesn’t.
Is there a way to determent the point where the blob has the most curve. True the COG en to the back.  Then het calculation is more accurate for me.
Or do you know a better solution for this.
Kind regards,

Anonymous 14 year
The statistics require a solid complete blob. So you have to make sure that holes are minimized. You can use this using the Fill module (with zero parameter) and the Close module (with maybe 10 as a parameter). (Use the search tab to find these).

If you have trouble adding these please post the original image of the above annotated images and we'll add these modules to the current robofile.


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