Bug in new Angle Filter in Hough Module?
from United States  [214 posts]
14 year

I was trying out the new Angle Filter function in the Hough Transform module and either I don't understand how it works or it may not be working correctly.  For example, using the example image from the Hough documentation page (included below), I cannot find a combination of Min and Max angle values that isolates just the horizontal lines.


Anonymous 14 year

Yea, the angle filter is a little tricky as it works with circular math.

So in the case of a horizontal line use the MIN angle at 350 and the Max angle at 10. This is counter intuitive until you think that the min angle can also be thought of as -10. Regardless, the range that is specified is through 0 which would classify the horizontal lines correctly.

Please download v2.24.17 as when testing this we did find another issue related to horizontal lines that we causing the angle to sometimes be 0 and sometimes 180 (reflection). This has been corrected to better isolate horizontal lines.

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
Thanks STeven--works like a charm now!


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