Robotics Connection Serializer V3 Servo Problem
Scott Thompson from United States  [11 posts]
14 year
Connected a couple of Hitec servos to the Robotics Connection Serializer V3 board (may be a similar issue to V2 of the same board).  One servo connected to digital I/O pin #9 (corresponds to servo #2) does not move with any of the servo pins.  Digital pin #8 (corresponds to servo #1) works fine.

I have verified proper operation using a simple serial port terminal program, typing in the command "servo 2:50" and the servo moves to the desired position.

Please double-check servo operation w.r.t. "Robotics Connection Traxster" module in RR.

Thank you,
--Scott Thompson
Anonymous 14 year

You are correct! Seems that a "servo 9:50" command was being issued incorrectly. This has now been fixed in 2.24.10. Thanks for the tip.


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