C++ Script
Austin Duff from United States  [8 posts]
14 year
How easy would it be to make an internal C++ script module like the VBScript Program? Or does it already exist? The Visual Basic scripting module works great, but i'm much more experienced with C++, as many others may be too.

Anonymous 14 year
Hi Austin,

    Check out the API (http://www.roborealm.com/help/API.php) there is also a zip you can download with C++ examples
Anonymous 14 year

Would just plain C suffice? Something like



Anonymous 14 year
C is good. Just a basic script.
Austin Duff from United States  [8 posts] 14 year
C is good. Just a basic script.

That was me ^
Anonymous 14 year
CScript module just launched ... give it a try and see if that works for you.



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