Get multiple variables of same type
Anders from Norway  [2 posts]
14 year
Hi! Just started exploring RR, what a great program! Now, I'm in a early stage of making a Rubiks cube solver - and trying to grab multiple "Sample_Color" variables from JAVA (as I need 9 of those on a 3 x 3 x 3 cube) at the same time. The question is how to do it? Is there some way to rename the variables in RR so the multiple sample_colors would not overwrite each other?

Hope I made myself clear

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
Hi Anders,

I believe you can use the Set_Variable module (found under the Variables group).  So first add a Sample_Color module, then add a Set_Variable module right after it.  In the Set_Variable module type in a variable name of your choice (e.g. CUBE_COLOR_1), then select the value from the drop down list on the left (e.g. [COLOR_SAMPLE]).  Then add another Sample_Color module and Set_Variable module for CUBE_COLOR_2 and so on.  There may be a more efficient way to do this but this should get the job done.


Anders from Norway  [2 posts] 14 year
Thank you, Patrick! It works like a dream :-)

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year

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