Spykee video images
patrik from Netherlands  [4 posts]
15 year

I want to use the spykee module and have some very basic questions.
What I want is basically the Spykee video in the middle 75% of the screen, and in the frame around it I will add some graphical shapes etc.
I have everything working when the video comes from the computer webcam, but when starting the spykee module, everything goes funky.
Is there anyway I can select the Spykee camera as the Options/Camera, or how should I go about?

Anonymous 14 year

What you can do is use the Spykee module first followed by the Marker module (call it something you will remeber). Then load in an image with all the graphics that would be larger than the Spkyee image and finally end with the Display_Image where you chose the image you previously saved using the Marker module.

For example the attached script will load in an image and place the current webcam image in the middle.

Anonymous 14 year
And an example background image file ..


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