what pc components are important for image processing?
janierik from Finland  [1 posts]
14 year

When putting together a PC for roborealm and image processing computer in general, what are the most significant parts when it comes to speed? Am I correct that there is no sense to invest into a powerful video card because it prosesses only graphics used for example in games? Could the nvidia cuda be used for purposes like this? In my project I also need to take into consideration the power usage of the computer so I do not want to spend money on something that is not really needed.

Anonymous 14 year

It will depend on the image processing system being used. RoboRealm does not utilize any CUDA processing so a card like what will not be used and not improve performance. The speed concerns with RoboRealm are the camera speed (i.e. can it do 30 fps in lower lighting) and CPU speed (the faster the better). Enough memory (1gig) will allow the processing to proceed at full speed. More memory will not help improve performance.

Also make sure you camera uses USB 2.0 and supports DirectX.

Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts] 14 year
Just another note,  it seems like roborealm doesn't have multiprocessor support (so if you buy a multicore chip you won't get anything from it except that one core will be pegged at 100% and the other can handle everything else.)  Either STeven will have to put the hours into figuring out the parallelization tools or we will wait until there is a nice compiler option to do it automatically for him.  As it is, roborealm is as fast or faster or even MUCH faster then the competing tools available (opencv, matlab, labview etc.)
I am currently running one robot on a 900Mhz pentiumM and doing a fair bit of image processing.  Roborealm is happy on the N270 netbooks and you will find lots of folks using them on their robots due to price, power and size.   Honestly, the power of the computer is less important at this point then carefully tuning your algorithm.
have fun!

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