Radial Distortion Coefficient input question
David from United States  [1 posts]
14 year
What are the P0 and SCALE variables for? (I understand what the other variables do.) both values are 1000 by default. what do they represent? how can you tell if one or the other needs to be changed just by looking at the resulting image?
Anonymous 14 year
SCALE is what you would expect it to be. It simply scales the image without any distortion to make the image larger or smaller as needed. Typically you play with scale to ensure that the parts of the image you want are in view. As the image becomes more and more warped the image will typically get much larger than its initial dimensions. Using SCALE you can reduce it back down to a viewable size while still maintaining the warp. So SCALE will NOT change the warping of the image ... only the size.

P0 is used in conjunction with the other warping parameters. If all other params are zero P0 and SCALE are basically the same as P0 defines the distance to the warp surface. Thus when no warping happens P0 does the same thing as SCALE. BUT when P1 is non-zero P0 will cause the amount of bubble or circular warping that occurs as a results of P1 ... its hard to explain visually what you would expect since the parameters are composed together in order to produce the final warp. So it is possible for some of the params to undo each other to some degree.

Typically if we are doing a quick warp we use the SCALE and P1 to get things right. The other params are normally used when much finer warping needs to be done as a result of a calibration process typically produced by some other application.


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