Roborealm on Robocup
Ricardo Sampaio from Portugal  [7 posts]
14 year
Hi all myself and some 12grade students are building 2 robots that will participate in a National Robotics Competition and eventually in Robocup (world cup), most of the year we get 1ยบ Place in some competitions and this here we have some heavy stuff to show and eventually i will post here some tutorials about interfacing roborealm whit a Pic microcontroler (usart USB and I2C)

ATM all i can show is some pictures and the links of some videos we already made.

The new robots wil be a StromTrooper and a R2D2 with alot of feactures including image recognition


And here is a old website whit some videos of other robots.

Anonymous 14 year

The first website looks great! Is the url for the second correct? We seem to get an error when trying to view that one.

Let us know if we can help in any way! Robocup is a lot of fun!


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