MSRS displaying unprocessed image problem
Arturo from Mexico  [1 posts]
14 year
Hi, every time I open the RoboRealm service interface running with MSRS 2008 R2 and select "none" in the example programs I can't see the unprocessed image from my webcam, the interface keeps displaying the last processing example that was selected. The only way to see the original image again is to manually delete the selected processing example with the "supr" key in the RoboRealm program. Anyone knows how can I fix the problem?
Anonymous 14 year

In the Interface.cs file add

                    _state.XmlString = "";

to line 674 and that should do the trick. The "None" selection is not being checked for and thus will not change the XmlString to be sent to RoboRealm.

Let me know if you have any additional issues with this.


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