Shape Matching Display
Jeff McGrew  [4 posts]
14 year
I have not been able to get the display to show the filenames for the shape matching module.  I created simple triangles, circles, and squares using microsoft paint (white with black background).  I have used the auto threshold, and trained the module, however only see the box around the objects.  The filename, confidence level, size, etc do not show on the screen.

Jeff McGrew  [4 posts] 14 year
In answering my own question, I was able to add a "display_variables" module, and get the filenames to show up.  I am now having issues with filtering out the circle.  I deleted the circle from the training folder (leaving a triangle and square), and have to increase the confidence filter to 95 percent to filter out the circle, and at 97 percent, the triangle is filtered.  It seems difficult to believe that the filter would have to be as high as 95 percent to eliminate a wrong shape.
Anonymous 14 year

We had some issues with the font files that has now been fixed which would have caused your first problems. If you download the most recent copy that should fix those issues.

Concerning your second issue, you may not have retrained the module once you deleted the circle ... yes, 95 does sound really REALLY high in order to eliminate a bad shape. Let us know if retraining does the trick.

Jeff McGrew  [4 posts] 14 year
STeve, I had retrained the module already, however just figured out how to fix it.  The size of the objects in the training module were not large enough.  I recreated them using as large a shape as possible, and can now filter out the bad shapes with 80 percent, and the correct shape is over 99 percent.

Anonymous 14 year
Excellent, yes as the shape is based on the outline of the shape the more pixels you can give it the better the overall comparison will be. Note that this does diminish if you get too large so we try to fill a 320x240 image with the shape such that all sides are just touching the border (given aspect ratio limitations).

We'll add a note to this effect in the documentation as it is an important point that we just do instinctively.


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