thickness probe
Mark M. from Philippines  [2 posts]
14 year
hello, i have been working with thickness and line probes but i still have not figured out how to work and position the probes. can someone please explain this? thanks.
Anonymous 14 year
You position the probes by dragging them with your mouse to static locations. You will notice the text boxes will update with the coordinates used. If you then decide that you want to position the probes based on some other aspect (via API, detected image feature, etc) you would replace those static numbers with a [variable] as in use the [ symbols around a variable that contains the value you want to use. This variable would then be set via the API or based on some detected position in the image.

If you include an example image and what you'd like to do we can better help.

Mark M. from Philippines  [2 posts] 14 year
here is the sample of the what im trying to do. im trying to detect the thickness of my cellphone, but sometimes the probe cannot detect the edges very well and i am having a hard time trying to interpret the values. thanks!
Anonymous 14 year

Can you post your Picture0030.jpg too?

Anonymous 14 year
here it is.i am trying to detect the thickness of the heart walls by using either edge probe or the thickness probe. thanks!


Anonymous 14 year
Sorry for the obvious question to you but we are not medical folks here ... which edge would the heart wall be? Perhaps you could draw a red line across that edge?

It appears that your above robofile is not configured for this image size otherwise we could have gotten that information from there.

As a guess, we used the thickest edge and have included a robofile that shows that result. Note that your image is embedded in that robofile.

Note that the thickness of that part is 29 pixels (the first number of the results) with the x,y for the measured line as the next 4 numbers.

I think the main issue you were having was to threshold the image prior to measurement. The thickness probe was picking up many different segments since the image fluctuates too much over the span of the wall. Thresholding makes this much easier for that probe to determine a single value.


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