Help regarding starting a project
New guy from Bangladesh  [1 posts]
14 year
hi everyone, i am new in robotics. i m developing a project of navigator robot that would move to the location taking as input the values of x and y axis from the keyboard. can you suggest which wireless protocol i should use? i am using atmega 16 system. please help me
Anonymous 14 year

You would probably want to start with something easier if you are a beginner in robotics. The following kits could help you get started:

Create - http://www.irobot.com/sp.cfm?pageid=305
MindStorms - http://mindstorms.lego.com/
LynxMotion - http://www.lynxmotion.com/
VEX Robot - http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2104567
LEAF project - http://www.leafproject.org/
Roomba Development - http://www.robodynamics.com/site2/default.asp
SRV-1 - http://www.webcam32.com/SRV_info.html
TeRK - http://www.terk.ri.cmu.edu/index.php

If you are really forced to start with navigation I would look at the Rovio and perhaps the new vacuum


Good luck!

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