edge detection
Mark M. from Philippines  [1 posts]
14 year
hello! i am trying to create a program wherein it will detect the edge of a specified object in a movie and then determine the difference in value of the movement of that object from point 1 to point 2. For example would be the movement of the heart wall in a sonogram. does anyone have an idea how to do this? thanks
Anonymous 14 year

The first step is to detect the heart wall in a sonogram. If you can do that then it is a simple matter to detect it in both images and determine the offset distance between the two.

Do you have two images of such a sonogram. Can you also supply an annotated image that shows which part of the image is the heart wall? We're not medical guys here so interpreting sonograms is not one of our strong points!

Anonymous 14 year
im not really trying to interpret the sonogram, i just need a program that can detect the movement of the heart walls during the video. i was thinking of using the movement module for this. thanks.
Anonymous 14 year
Ok, sounds good. The movement module will help with this but sometimes some preprocessing of the image can help in making this detection easier. Normal images that have color have a lot more information to detect movement. As sonograms are grayscale this module may not reveal what you'd like since it makes no assumptions on the content of the image. Normally, the more you know about the image (i.e. its content) the better the results you can produce.

Let us know how it goes.


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