Optical Flow Module hanging RoboRealm 2.14.1
from United States  [214 posts]
14 year
Hi STeven,

I'm getting consistent locking up in RR 2.14.1 when using the Optical_Flow module.  In fact, I was also getting it in 2.14.0 so I just now upgraded and I'm having the same problem.  RR hangs after a minute or two even with just the Optical_Flow module in the pipeline.  I'm having the trouble both with a wireless D-Link 920 camera as well as a directly connected Philips USB camera.  When the lock up occurs, the CPU load on my machine goes from about 2% to 96%.  I have to use the Task Manager to end the process.  The problem seems to happy more consistently with the "Eliminate Global Flow" check box checked.


Anonymous 14 year

This should be fixed in the current version.  2.14.3 Can you give it a try?

We were actually getting a crash instead of a hang. Let me know if it still hangs for you.

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
Hi STeven,

Thanks for the update.  Unfortunately, I get the same problem in 2.14.3.  RR is still hanging with only the Optical_Flow module in the pipeline.  I tried it on another computer too--this time a Samsung NC10 Netbook using its built-in camera.  It seems specifically related to the "Eliminate Global Flow" checkbox since once I check this box, the image and RR freezes within about 60 seconds.


Anonymous 14 year

Ok, we tested things again and did find your particular issue. Can you try ver2.14.5.

It did seem to lockup more when the eliminate global flow was enabled.

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
Hi STeven,

Works like a charm now in 2.14.5.  Many thanks!


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